Comparison of Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await
Asynchronous programming has evolved into a critical component of developing responsive and efficient web applications. At its essence, asynchronous programming enables a computer to complete activities without interfering with the execution of other actions. This method is especially critical in environments like JavaScript, where operations like requesting data from a server, reading files, and performing long-running computations must be completed without freezing the user interface.
JavaScript, as a single-threaded language, relies extensively on asynchronous programming to manage tasks that would otherwise hinder or interrupt the script's execution. This is especially important in web applications, where providing a seamless and responsive user experience is critical. Without effective management of asynchronous operations, web applications may become unavailable, resulting in a bad user experience and possibly forcing users to abandon the site or service.
In this article, we’ll look at callbacks, promises and async/await.
Let’s get started.
A callback is a function that is supplied as a parameter to another function and then performed once the operation is completed. This method is critical in JavaScript, particularly when dealing with asynchronous tasks like as network queries, file reading, and timed operations. A callback allows the program to continue operating while waiting for a task to complete, rather than blocking the execution of the entire script. Once the task is completed, the callback function is executed.
Syntax and Usage Example:
The basic syntax of a callback is to define a function and then provide it as an argument to another function. Here is a simple example:
function fetchData(callback) {
setTimeout(() => {
const data = { name: "John", age: 30 };
}, 2000);
function displayData(data) {
console.log("User Data:", data);
In this example, fetchData
simulates an asynchronous activity (such as retrieving data from a server) using setTimeout
. The displayData
method is supplied as a callback to fetchData
and is called after the simulated data fetching is finished.
Advantages of Callbacks
The advantages of callbacks are as follows:
Simplicity: Callbacks are an easy approach to handle asynchronous operations. They enable developers to run code only when a specific operation has been accomplished, reducing wasteful waiting or stopping.
Flexibility: Because callbacks are functions, they can be defined independently, reused, or supplied as arguments, making them extremely versatile.
Control: Callbacks enable developers fine-grained control over when and how specific actions are performed, allowing for more exact handling of asynchronous processes.
Disadvantages of Callbacks:
Callback Hell: One of the most serious consequences of using callbacks extensively is the issue known as "callback hell." This happens when several nested callbacks are needed to handle a succession of asynchronous activities. The code gets extremely nested and difficult to comprehend, maintain, and debug.
Here's an example:
function getData(callback1) { setTimeout(() => { console.log("Fetching data..."); callback1(() => { console.log("Processing data..."); callback1(() => { console.log("Saving data..."); }); }); }, 1000); } getData((next) => { next(() => { next(); }); });
As you can see, the code quickly gets bulky, making it difficult to understand the flow of activities.
- Error management with callbacks can be difficult, especially when working with several asynchronous operations. If an issue happens in one of the callbacks, it may not be obvious how to handle it, resulting in complex and error-prone code. Developers frequently have to pass error callbacks alongside success callbacks, which complicates the code structure.
function fetchData(callback, errorCallback) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
callback("Data fetched successfully");
} else {
errorCallback("Error fetching data");
}, 2000);
(data) => console.log(data),
(error) => console.error(error)
Handling mistakes in this manner can become complicated, especially as the number of asynchronous jobs grows.
A Promise is a contemporary JavaScript object that represents the eventual success (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its associated value. Promises are a clearer and more controllable approach to handle asynchronous actions than callbacks. They enable you to attach callbacks that will be executed once the process is complete, avoiding the deeply nested structure that is commonly associated with callback hell.
A Promise exists in one of three states:
Pending: The initial state, indicating that the asynchronous operation has not yet completed.
Fulfilled: The state in which the operation was finished successfully.
Rejected: The state in which the operation failed.
Syntax and Usage Examples:
Creating a Promise requires using the Promise constructor, which accepts a function known as the "executor." This function accepts two arguments: resolve and reject, which are functions that determine if the operation was successful or unsuccessful.
const fetchData = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const data = { name: "Alice", age: 25 };
resolve(data); // Indicates successful completion
}, 2000);
.then((data) => {
console.log("User Data:", data);
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error:", error);
In this example, fetchData
is a Promise that returns user data after a wait. The then
` method handles the Promise's successful completion, whereas the catch
method handles any exceptions.
Advantages of Promises
Let’s look at the advantages of promises.
Promises improve readability by flattening the nested structure of callbacks. This makes code easier to handle. This is especially useful for chaining several asynchronous tasks.
Better Error Handling: Promises offer a more efficient method to error handling. The catch method allows errors to be caught and managed in one location, making debugging easier and improving code quality.
Chaining: Promises support chaining, which allows multiple asynchronous operations to be done sequentially. This makes it easier to manage complex processes that include several asynchronous tasks.
Disadvantages of Promises
- Chaining numerous promises simplifies some elements of asynchronous code, but it can become complex when dealing with multiple sequential or parallel actions. Managing dependencies between promises and guaranteeing the proper execution order can be difficult.
.then((data) => {
console.log("Data:", data);
return anotherAsyncOperation(); // Chained promise
.then((result) => {
console.log("Result:", result);
return yetAnotherAsyncOperation(); // Another chained promise
.then((finalResult) => {
console.log("Final Result:", finalResult);
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error:", error);
- Error Handling Difficulty: While promises improve error handling over callbacks, managing failures across several chained promises can still be difficult. If a Promise in the chain fails, the error will be propagated through the chain until it is caught. This propagation requires careful treatment to ensure that faults are treated properly.
.then((data) => {
// Process data
return someOtherPromise();
.catch((error) => {
// Handle error from fetchData or someOtherPromise
console.error("Error:", error);
Async and await are JavaScript syntax extensions that build on Promises, giving a more legible and synchronous approach to dealing with asynchronous tasks. They were introduced in ECMAScript 2017 and make it easier to build and manage asynchronous code by allowing developers to write code that appears and acts like synchronous code while executing non-blocking activities.
An async function is one that implicitly returns a Promise. Inside an async function, you can use the await keyword to suspend the method's execution until a Promise is resolved or refused, making the code easier to read and understand.
Syntax and Usage Examples:
Here's a basic example of using async and await:
async function fetchData() {
try {
const response = await fetch("");
const data = await response.json();
console.log("Data:", data);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
In this example, the fetchData
function is declared as async, which allows it to be used with await
. The await
keyword stops execution until the fetch
Promise resolves before proceeding with the call response.
. Errors are handled with a try/catch
` block, making error management simple.
Advantages of Async/Await
Let’s see the advantages of Async/Await.
Improved readability: Async/await is a more natural and legible approach to create asynchronous code than Promises. It enables you to write code that appears synchronous, making it simpler to comprehend and maintain.
Error handling using async/await is more straightforward and natural. To handle problems, you can utilize standard try/catch blocks, which are more familiar and manageable than dealing with
methods in Promises.Avoids Callback Hell: By flattening the code structure and avoiding deeply nested callbacks, async/await contributes to cleaner and more understandable code.
Sequential Execution: Async/await makes it simple to handle sequential asynchronous operations because each await statement essentially pauses the function until the previous operation completes. This sequential nature is similar to synchronous code, which is sometimes easier to understand.
Disadvantages of Async/Await
The disadvantages or async/await are as follows:
Compatibility & Polyfills: While most modern browsers and environments support async/await, older versions may not. In such circumstances, you may need to utilize a transpiler like Babel to transform async/await syntax to suitable code.
Handling numerous Concurrent activities: While async/await makes sequential execution easier, it may be less efficient when handling numerous concurrent asynchronous activities. Use
may be more appropriate for parallel computations, but this necessitates combining async/await with Promise syntax.Unhandled Rejections: If you fail to handle a rejected Promise within an async function, it can result in unhandled promise rejections and errors. To correctly handle errors, always utilize
blocks or.catch()
Use Cases
Callbacks are still useful for simple asynchronous activities with a flat and comprehensible code structure. Handling simple event listeners or basic timer routines is one example. Also, in older codebases or libraries that employ callbacks, it may be more practical to use callbacks instead of refactoring to preserve consistency.
Promises on the other hand, provides a more efficient approach to manage many sequential or concurrent asynchronous processes than nested callbacks. Promises use .catch()
methods to simplify error handling and support chaining, making errors easier to manage across numerous asynchronous processes
Async/await is perfect for writing asynchronous code that is simple to read and looks like synchronous flow. It simplifies complex operations and makes mistake handling easier with try/catch
. When asynchronous actions must be done in a specific order, async/await provides a simple solution that avoids highly nested code.
JavaScript relies heavily on asynchronous programming to manage tasks such as API calls, file processing, and event handling. Callbacks, Promises, and async/await are all methods for managing asynchronous code, each with their own set of advantages and constraints. Choosing the appropriate solution is determined by your application's individual requirements, such as code complexity, readability, and error management.